Umtentweni Bowling Club
Lawn bowls
Anyone with a passion for bowls can apply to become a member of the Umtentweni Bowling Club.
When applying for membership for the first time, one of our coaches will assess and certify that you are able to play the game of lawn bowls. Contact the club to arrange a meeting with a coach.
We offer “no obligation to join” introductory coaching lessons for beginners. This gives novices a chance to see if lawn bowls
Visiting Bowlers
Members from other bowling clubs are most welcome to come and play at the Umtentweni Bowling Club. Green fees may apply.
Back row: André Lourens, Elsa Lourens, Jan Hüygen, Toni Ackerman, Derick Cilliers, Jackie Ackerman, Mike Mannion, Trudy Rush, Tony Korb
Front row: Jean Celliers, Molly Williams, Geoff Kelleher, Jenny Graham, Dennis Graham, Vel Mannion, Dehlia Lew, Karen Delany
Subscription Fees
The annual subscription fee includes club membership and green fees. Fees are used to maintain the bowling green, equipment
Membership entitles you to:
- Use of the Club’s greens and facilities.
- Enter into any bowling tournament held by the Club in accordance with any rules or conditions for the event.
- Hold office in the Club (adult members only).
Affiliation Fees
Members who are active players and participate in district or national tournaments are liable for all fees, registration and affiliation fees which become payble.