In loving memory of

Jan David Hüygen

26.07.1948 – 12.03.2019

Beloved husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather. Jan was an avid sportsman in his younger days and remained a keen bowls player to the end.

As club member, player, couch and Club President 2018/2019 his contributions to the Umtentweni Bowling Club were numerous, but foremost was his absulote passion for the sport of lawn bowls.

His departure is deeply regretted by members of the club and local bowling community.

Jan Hüygen standing with Geoff Kelleher on the green

The memorial service for Jan Hüygen was well attended by members of the bowling fraternity from various clubs in the vicinity. We thank the members of Hibberdene, Southport and The Bell Bowling Club who joined the Umtentweni Bowling Club and Jan’s family in saying goodbye to Jan.

Jan David Hüygen
Jan Hüygen playing bowls
Members of the bowling fraternity at Jan Hüygen's memorial service
Members of the bowling fraternity at Jan Hüygen's memorial service

In a moving ceremony at the clubhouse, Jan Hüygen’s wife, Elsabè and his son, also named Jan, hung his tab on the board where all departed bowlers’ tabs are kept.

Lest we should forget – Their tabs are always in

Jan Hüygen's wife, Elsabè and his son, also named Jan, hanging Jan's tab

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